Restricted Products list

Sellers are expected to conduct proper research to ensure that the items posted to their own storefronts on the SmartBiz App are in compliance with all applicable laws to determine if the content of a product detail page or listing is prohibited, restricted, potentially illegal, or inappropriate. Amazon does not take any responsibility to undertake this due diligence for and on behalf of the Seller.

Please see below an illustrative list of products, content, services or action in relation to listings which may be considered by the Seller at the time of listing products or services on their storefront on SmartBiz App:

1. Items not intended for distribution or import within/ to India: Products that are specifically manufactured for and identified as "not for distribution within India".

2. Illegal and potentially illegal products:Products which are not in adherence to all applicable laws.

3. Items that infringe upon privacy or intellectual property: Items that infringe upon, or have potential to infringe upon, an individual's or any other person’s privacy or intellectual property.

4. Counterfeit merchandise:Any product that has been illegally replicated, reproduced or manufactured.

5. Unauthorized and unlicensed merchandise:Items which are not commercially produced and authorized or licensed for sale as a retail product.

6. Offensive material:Product description posted on your storefront should be in compliance with applicable laws. The Seller should be mindful of the below factors while creating a product description:

6.1. Nudity:In general, images that portray nudity in a gratuitous or graphic manner.

6.2. Recopied media:Media that have been recopied, dubbed, duplicated, or transferred without permission of the rights holder.

6.3. Transferred media: Media transferred from one format to another. This includes but is not limited to:films converted from NTSC to Pal and Pal to NTSC, laserdisc to video, television to video, CD-ROM to cassette tape, from the Internet to any digital format, etc.

6.4. Promotional media:Promotional versions of media products, including books (advance reading copies and uncorrected proofs), music, and videos (screeners) . These products are distributed for promotional consideration and generally are not authorized for retail distribution or sale.

6.5. Publicity material:Celebrity images and/or the use of celebrity names should not be used for commercial purposes without permission of a celebrity or their management. This includes product endorsements and use of a celebrity's likeness on merchandise such as posters, mouse pads, clocks, image collections in digital format, and so on.

7. Recopied media products including:

7.1. Books-Unauthorised copies of books.

7.2. Music-Bootlegs, unauthorised live concerts, unauthorised soundboard recordings, unauthorised merchandise, etc.

7.3. Movies-Unauthorised copies of movies in any format. Unreleased/ prereleased movies, screeners, trailers, unpublished and unauthorized film scripts (no ISBN number), electronic press kits, and unauthorised props.

7.4. Photos-Unauthorised copies of photos.

7.5. Radio programs & Concerts-Unauthorised recordings or copies of recordings of radio programs.

7.6. Software-Recopied or duplicated software in any format is prohibited. Academic, OEM, back-up, fulfillment, promotional, beta (prerelease), unauthorised freeware/shareware, and "softlifted" versions of software.

7.7. Television programmes-Unauthorised copies of television programmes (including pay-per-view events), programmes never broadcast, unauthorised scripts, unauthorised props, and screeners.

7.8. Video games-Video games displayed on our website must be full retail versions. Recopied and transferred video games are prohibited. Mod chips, silver disks, video game emulators, Sega bootdisks, game enhancers, unauthorized video game compilations, unauthorized bundles of video game products, and unauthorized accessories.

8. Unauthorised and unlicensed merchandise:All media--including books, CDs, VHS tapes, DVDs, software and PC & video games which are not fully licensed and authorised versions.

9. Cigarette substitutes:Electronic cigarettes and other nicotine-based products that are not approved as aids to smoking cessation by the relevant authority or agency.

10. Electronic Surveillance Equipment:Any electronic surveillance equipments.

11. Batteries:Mercuric oxide button batteries (button-shaped batteries used in vintage camera equipment), alkaline-manganese batteries containing mercury, and zinc-carbon batteries containing mercury.

12. Mod chips:Mod chips or similar devices used to facilitate the use of copied or imported games etc.

13. Lock breaking devices:All devices used for lock picking, jamming, code reading, etc. are prohibited from sale. Lock picking guns, cards bypass keys and tryout keys.

14. Cigars, cigarettes, tobacco or other products containing tobacco.

15. Firearms and all associated parts, kits and ammunition; realistic imitation firearms; air weapons, air guns, BB guns and airsoft guns which are illegal and/or illegal to sell via the Internet; spear guns; crossbows with a barrel; mace; black powder and all explosives; offensive weapons.

16. Fireworks and other pyrotechnics.

17. Knives, knife blades, razor blades, swords, daggers, axes and any other articles with a blade or which are sharply pointed and are made or adapted for use for causing injury to persons, with the exception of (i) razor blades permanently enclosed in a cartridge or housing with less than 2 mm of blade exposed, (ii) unlockable folding blades of less than 3 inches, (iii) folding blades of less than 3 inches forming part of a multi-tool device, (iv) kitchen knives, (v) electric carving knives.

18. Medicines and veterinary medicines, medicinal products, medicinal feeds and remedies of any type which are sold by a seller who does not have the necessary licenses, authorisations and/or professional qualifications to sell such products or has such licenses, authorisations or professional qualifications.

19. Any prohibited drug.

20. Products containing human growth hormone.

21. Elements of the human body and medical implants.

22. Any live animals.

23. Products made of or containing any or part of any plant or animal, the sale, storage, import or export of which is prohibited or regulated, such as, for example, endangered species, elephant ivory, coral, sea turtle shells, most reptile skins.

24. Any product that contains other ingredients that are prohibited, restricted, or regulated under the applicable laws.

25. "Sex and sensuality" products.

26. Products containing prohibited images of children and any other violent, offensive, obscene or sexual content that is unlawful.

27. Loose gemstone products.

28. Gift cards, gift vouchers and other stored value instruments.

29. Any product that is subject to a product recall.